Someday you will meet someone who will love you despite- maybe even in part BECAUSE OF- the strange, ridiculous, and generally weird things about you.
They will love how you arrange all of the dirty dishes into neat stacks before you wash them.
They will love the fact that in order to efficiently clean a room you need to put your hair up, have a beverage on hand, and be listening to Adam Lambert.
They will love the way you dance when there’s no music.
They will love that are mess you are when you first wake up in the morning.
They will love your habit of hearing an indistinct word and replacing it with something ridiculous, causing you to ask people things like, “Did you just say you’re craving Benadryl?”
They will love your total lack of ability to remember street names.
They will love your obscure knowledge about your favorite band.
They will love your feet, even when they’re calloused from going barefoot all summer…and part of the other seasons, too.
They will love the faces you make when you forget that anyone’s looking at you.
They will love your need to use dramatic hand gestures when you speak.
They will love how loud you are.
They will love your total lack of fear of germs- or perhaps just ignorance of germs.
They will love how you twitch when you’re falling asleep.
They will love the way you get detached and impersonal when you’re highly focused.
They will love it that you take big bites of food instead of dainty bites.
They will love your love for well-cooked meat.
They will love how seriously you take being right about the location of overpasses.
They will love the odd, old-fashioned sayings and phrases you use that you don’t realize are odd or old-fashioned.
They will love your love for butter.
They will love what a coffee snob you are.
They will love the way you come up with improbable conclusions for any undefined situation that you come across.
They will love how you sing to yourself.
They will love the fact that the sound of certain zippers being zipped make your teeth hurt.
Or rather, even if they don’t love all of those things- even if they dislike some of them- none of those things will keep them from loving YOU.
So my friends, do not worry that no one could ever love you for who you are, for if someone can love me for exactly who I am, then you are equally as lovable. Concern yourself with constantly trying to be more like Christ, and love the way He has made you. Someday, dear ones, someone else will love the way He has made you as well. Exactly as you are.
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