I am 22 years old. I am a wife and a mother. I don’t have a college education, or a job. I am white, straight, and Christian. I vote conservative. I don’t hate black people, gay people, or people of other religions. I like coffee. I prefer android operating systems to anything Apple.
And I think that my own opinion on political and societal matters does not matter at all, unless it aligns with the clear truth of the Bible.
As someone who professes to follow Christ, my first responsibility is to Him. Not to what I- as a fallible human being- personally perceive as just, fair, good, or acceptable, but to what the infallible word of God determines to be such.
People of differing political standpoints frequently make remarks about people like myself saying things such as, “You are what’s wrong with this country,” and “Use your brain.”
I have high regard for critical thinking, logic, science, and justice. God created all of those things, and my ability to evaluate a topic logically is all thanks to Him giving me that ability.
However if I think I am being logical, systematic, and fair, yet my conclusion is not consistent with the word of God, then I have gone wrong somewhere. Somewhere my humanness influenced my thinking and led me astray, and I must readdress the topic based on the truth of the Bible.
To assume that my own perception of something is absolute truth- well, that is just arrogance. To tout my beliefs based on my own personal experience, to argue that the conclusion I arrived at, and to put down anyone with a different opine simply because I am certain I am right- that is all mightily arrogant as well.
I am guilty of all of those things, at times. And the Lord is quick to humble me and remind me that His word alone is infallibly true, and upon that alone can I confidently base my life.
My personal opinion doesn’t matter. What I think about any given topic doesn’t matter. The only time that what I have to say about something carries any weight at all is when I speak the word of God.
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