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Showing posts from July, 2013

Sometimes I feel like a good wife. Sometimes I feel like a terrible wife.

   "House and wealth are an inheritance from fathers, But a prudent wife is from the LORD.” -Proverbs 19:14 Sometimes I feel like a pretty good wife; sometimes I feel like a pretty terrible wife. But the objective of marriage is not simply to be comfortable with my feelings- it is to glorify God. So even if I’m behind on ALL the housework and ALL the things, (like I have been this week…it’s been horrendous) as long as I am responsibly maintaining my relationship with God and my husband, it’s a successful week as a wife.   I honor God by honoring my husband, and there are lots of ways to honor my husband even when the apartment is in utter shambles- which it definitely is.   Taking an interest in Arthur’s work, encouraging him in his ministry, expressing my thankfulness and pride for his dependence on the Holy Spirit, trusting him with my emotions (even the ugly, scary ones!)- all of these things honor Arthur and the important role God has given him in...


  I am 22 years old. I am a wife and a mother. I don’t have a college education, or a job. I am white, straight, and Christian. I vote conservative. I don’t hate black people, gay people, or people of other religions. I like coffee. I prefer android operating systems to anything Apple.   And I think that my own opinion on political and societal matters does not matter at all, unless it aligns with the clear truth of the Bible.   As someone who professes to follow Christ, my first responsibility is to Him. Not to what I- as a fallible human being- personally perceive as just, fair, good, or acceptable, but to what the infallible word of God determines to be such.   People of differing political standpoints frequently make remarks about people like myself saying things such as, “You are what’s wrong with this country,” and “Use your brain.”   I have high regard for critical thinking, logic, science, and justice. God created all of those things, an...