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Showing posts from April, 2013
Today I am visiting my family. The oldest of my brothers is seventeen. He told me two days ago that he missed me, and I should come over. I can’t say no to a seventeen year old that asks for my time. Seventeen was such an incredibly rough year for me, and I remember how seventeen feels all too well. And so off I go. I am wearing my husband’s sweater, which is just big enough to fit over my ever-expanding baby bump without stretching the material too much. I am also wearing one of his scarves, and carrying my supply of food in a bag of his. I am glad he is so good at sharing, because I am great at being shared with. The bus I am on- the second of four busses that will eventually take me to my parents house- is on I-5, and it is almost downtown. When on a bus that is approaching downtown Seattle, you have a vantage point that you don’t often have when in a car on this same stretch of freeway. Sitting on the bus, I am high enough to see down over the guardrails on t...

What Levi had to say today

  I spent almost an hour on the phone with my incredible 8-year-old brother Levi today. Here’s what he had to say . "I love pasta. I like it with tomatoes and cheese, and olives on the side." Me : When the baby is born we will take pictures of you and it together. Levi: Oh, those will be so cute! "You and Arthur can come to my house and I will teach you how to make coffeecake. It takes flour and milk and eggs, and other ingredients. The hard part is putting it in the oven, and testing it to see if it is done or if it needs three more minutes." Me : You are the cutest kid. Levi: Yes I am. Me: By the time it’s your birthday, in July, my tummy will be so big! Levi: Oh yeah! Will the baby pop out at my party? Me: Will you be a great uncle? Levi: OF COURSE! "If you want to visit me, don’t come on Friday. I will be gone on Friday. Also, I can’t do school on Friday because I will be gone. Sorry ‘bout that." "When I visit you I will b...
I love you so much, and I am completely devoted to you, and I know that you’re the man God had for me to marry- BUT, even if none of that was true, there are still hundreds of good reasons for me to marry you. And this fudge is two of them. My eternal thankfulness when Arthur made me fudge


  I just realized that my last few posts have enumerated many of the less-than-delightful side effects of pregnancy.   So I want to take a moment to list off some of the things that this pregnancy has improved- improved to the point where I feel I am verging on superhuman.    Weight Loss : That’s right- LOSS. Turns out, two solid months of non-stop nausea and vomiting on a eerily regular schedule can actually lead to dropping a few pounds. Or almost ten pounds, in my case.   Now I am entering the healthy weight gain stage, but that does not lessen the feeling of success I have after the first trimester. Human Noise Machine: Granted, the noises I can produce at inhuman volumes are a select few- namely, belching and uncontrollable sobbing- but boy, if a 7th grade boy challenges me to a belch-off, I can SO win that. And if I get lost in the wilderness, I will easily be found by the sound of hormonal wailing over nothing.   Which brings me to…   Never Get Lost in the Wildernes...