Tonight God did some awesome things.
Technically it was last night. And let’s be realistic- God does awesome things all the time. But witnessing them more clearly and appreciating them a little more fully is INCREDIBLE.
Less than six hours ago I watched God give people words to share with the body. I watched Him bring people to their knees. I watched Him talk to people, touch people’s hearts, and bring His children back to Him from places where they had chosen to ignore Him.
I am not trying to be dramatic, because I don’t want to- this was not a dramatic evening. It was quiet. It was simple. It was straightforward.
And it was absolutely beautiful.
God didn’t ask us to put on a big show, and we didn’t try to.
One of my dearest friends got up with her guitar and we sang. Then we prayed. The Spirit very clearly impressed upon me what He wanted, and so we didn’t pray in groups like I thought was a great idea- we went off on our own and got real with God. Slowly several of us quietly moved towards friends and prayed for them. Chloe and I played a song we wrote over a year ago and hadn’t practiced in almost that long. We butchered it terribly, but God told me to do it, so we did. I don’t know why that was important. I don’t need to know why. I just need to be obedient.
We sang. We prayed. Chloe got up to begin worship again, and no one else moved. They remained scattered around the room, sitting or laying, rapt in the presence of God and their private time with Him.
One by one God sent me to each of the girls in the room. I gave up running the power point- show was unimportant. Technicalities were unimportant. Only Jesus was important.
And so there was prayer, and worship, and the abundance of joy and thanksgiving that results when we focus all of our time, energy, and emotion into glorifying God. He was clearly there- you could feel it in the room. It had nothing to do with the leaders, because we are not important outside of Christ. It was all Him, and that was what made it wonderful.
And it was quiet. It was simple. It was straightforward.
And it was beautiful.
Once again God reminded me in full force that I do not need projectors and sound boards and power points and microphones and stage lights and seating to worship Him. There is nothing wrong with all of that, it’s just not important, that’s all. Only God is important enough to deserve any great amount of time and effort, so my focus cannot be on how we look or how we sound or if I’m doing everything right. It must simply be on Christ.
God is faithful. He loves us. And an hour in His presence was refreshing, powerful, and motivating. It was not a time that needed to be stressful or technical or hurried.
It was quiet. It was simple. It was straightforward.
And it was absolutely beautiful, just as time with our Father always is.
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