As of today, I am 26 weeks pregnant. In just a little more than three months our first child will be born, and we grow more excited for that day all the time! Despite the less than enjoyable aspects of being pregnant- the newest of which is icing my back each night to reduce the soreness- I really do like being pregnant. I like being able to care for this little boy before he has even taken his first breath. Yet I have been made to realize that it is not really me who is caring for this tiny life inside me. Now, of course I am responsible for taking care of myself and my baby to the best of my ability during this pregnancy. I take vitamins and drink enough water to drown a small animal. I eat healthy snacks throughout the day and take walks. When I felt slightly anemic I brewed nettles into a tea to get a natural source of iron- trust me, I am fully dedicated to this child’s health and well being! Yet despite all of that, it is not truly me who is keeping this boy alive. ...
The ramblings of a woman, wife, mother, artist, and Christ follower.