Some people come into your life and stay for what is equal to an afternoon in the grand scheme of things. They are they, they leave an impression and words to remember, and then they go- on to new cities, new countries, leaving only photographs and memories. And that is alright. But other people come into your life and stay there. They may seem to have left once in a while- you lose touch, you pass one another without anything more than a polite hello, and you assume they will- like so many others- slip quietly out of your life like leaves being carried by the wind. But they don’t. They stay. They remain intact, a part of your life and your little corner of the world. They continue to care about you, stop and catch up with you here and there, give you a hug or familiar smile, and cast a knowing glance at your anger and then soothe it with laughter. They make their presence known in sometimes seemingly little ways, but they are always there for you; always only a phone...
The ramblings of a woman, wife, mother, artist, and Christ follower.