January 1st, 2011: It’s the first day of a new year, and like the first page of a blank book I get to decide what will be said, what will be written. I am not in control of what goes on in the world, but I am in control of what goes on in my head, and just as important, what I let out of myself and out into the world. I can speak encouragement instead of negativity, and I can give love instead of judgement. I can seek to grow the world in beauty, instead of complaining of it’s ugliness. I hope and pray that I will do this. While we often make resolutions to lose weight, save money, or read more books- and while these are all good things- I believe we can do great things. I believe we can change the world, and I believe that we can start changing the world today. When I was young I planned to grow up, get rich, live in a big house and donate lots of money to starving people. I wanted to be noble in giving my money to those who really needed it, but now that I really am...
The ramblings of a woman, wife, mother, artist, and Christ follower.