HOW TO USE THIS RESOURCE: Read the whole thing yourself before reading it to your kids. Pray for wisdom and compassion. Be prepared that you and your children may already have untrue or unloving views of others; it takes time to relearn these things, but by the grace of God and with His help, we can! Read it aloud with your children; you don't have to read the whole thing, but try to end on a hopeful note, not in the middle of a sad or troubling aspect. Pause whenever your children have questions. If it will be answered by another point in this doc, feel free to skip ahead to answer them, or to paraphrase it. If they're a bit older and can remember their question, feel free to tell them it will be answered as they keep listening. Plan on reading this- and more importantly, discussing this- somewhat regularly with your kids. More thoughts on discussion are at the bottom of this document. This document does not cover every facet we can consider in the discussion of racism; it is...
The ramblings of a woman, wife, mother, artist, and Christ follower.