...But thanks for asking. It actually doesn't bother me when people ask if I'm pregnant. I get it- I'm constantly talking about how I want a million children (or, more realistically, 6-8), so it makes sense that people are a little confused. Hasn't it been like, almost three years since I had my last baby? Geez. What is the deal? This is the deal. We just haven't been able to. God allowed circumstances in our life that made it clearly unwise to try for a third child. And I hated it. Truthfully, I had a really terrible, self-pitying attitude about it during most of that time. Which was sin, and God has been gracious to forgive me. But aside from my sinful attitude, it was also just really, really hard for me. I was sad. It was painful to wait. It was hard to smile and casually respond to questions like, "Are you ready for another?" with "Yes, but it's not the right time yet." Often I got well-meaning responses like, ...
The ramblings of a woman, wife, mother, artist, and Christ follower.