Wednesday, April 15th, 2015, I woke up tired. Judah woke me at 6:30am, so I got him breakfast and started making Arthur's tea and my coffee. I halfway tidied the kitchen while I made myself toast, my eyes still heavy, thinking about the day ahead. All week I had been praying, ever more fervently and ever more frequently, that God would bring this baby. We had an appointment for 9am on Thursday to begin naturally encouraging labor, yet I still found myself longing for something different. I desperately wanted this baby girl to come in her own timing. I wanted to know that the moment labor began was exactly the right time. So I prayed. I knew that God was powerful enough to start labor; and, slowly, I also surrendered to the fact that His plan for her birth story may be very different than my plan for her birth story I stared at my reflection in the mirror and thought, "In the next two days you will meet your baby girl." Tears filled my eyes....
The ramblings of a woman, wife, mother, artist, and Christ follower.