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Showing posts from June, 2014

Dear Judah

  This is like the sixth time that I've tried to write a post in response to an article that I read online. In the past, I've never actually posted anything, because I get so worked up about the topic that my indignation removes my ability to properly form sentences.   And I was about to try again, because I am sick and tired of the way my generation views adulthood, marriage, parenthood, careers, finances, and...well, just about everything. Our entitlement makes me sick. Our selfishness knows no bounds. I am embarrassed to tell people that I'm twenty-three, because of the immature, irresponsible, self-centered lifestyle that is so glorified and promoted by many people my age. I have spent the past ten years of my life trying to prove my birthdays wrong.   But what will another drop in the massive bucket that is the (ugh) "blogosphere" really do? Maybe a little. Maybe a lot. Honestly, with an unpopular viewpoint like mine, maybe nothing. And as I was despairing, ...

Three Years

  Three years ago yesterday I met a man BETTER than the man of my dreams. It wasn't love at first sight, it was "Hmm...maybe" at first sight, and the love followed shortly thereafter.   I remember the moment I met him. It wasn't a lightning bolt moment. The earth didn't stand still while all the birds sang a shining rendition of Beethoven's fifth, or anything like that. But I do remember.   There are lots of little moments like that that stand out clearly in my mind: Shaking his hand. Sitting across the hall from him while he played guitar. The conversation in which I "casually" mentioned wanting "like" twelve kids, and he said that sounded awesome, because he is polite, but I took it to mean that he'd be down with actually literally being the father of twelve children. (Note: We currently do not plan on having that many babies. Stop panicking.)   But before I get into all of the beautiful ways that God worked in the beginning ...

The SPU Shooting

   Yesterday afternoon someone walked into Seattle Pacific University and began firing a gun. You've probably heard about it by now. There are countless articles flying around the internet, and the reason I am choosing to share this is simple: It is so full of hope.   What you are about to read was written by a young man named Ben Higashi. He is a student at SPU, and his words moved me to tears. He chose to share his experience throughout the events of yesterday afternoon, and I am so thankful that he did, as his perspective of clear, Christ-centered hope is a refreshing one in the light of genuine tragedy.   I am sharing these words with his permission. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ The SPU Shooting   I have so much to say and no idea where to start. When I first heard the news, when I was told we were in lockdown, I didn’t know what to expect. We’d been in lockdown before; it had just be...