Today I was at Goodwill when an older man came up and struck up a conversation. Indicating the bike helmet I was looking at, he asked, “Do you ride a scooter?” “No, just a bike. Not a motorcycle or anything, just a regular bike.” He looked like an innocent man in his fifties or sixties who was lonely for conversation. There were plenty of people around and he didn’t make me feel uncomfortable as our conversation continued. “I’ve been riding a motorcycle since I was eleven years old,” he said. I told him that was cool. He pulled up the pants leg of his shorts slightly, showing me the twisted, gnarled skin. “I spent four weeks in Harborview when this happened,” he said. “Ow! Oh my goodness!” I commented, and he- seemingly happy for a captive audience- continued. “I was riding home one night, and some nice person had lost their dark brown couch in the middle of the freeway. I was lucky enough to hit i...
The ramblings of a woman, wife, mother, artist, and Christ follower.