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Showing posts from February, 2011

Simple Things and Constant Thanks

  Sometimes you have to do one or two little things to make yourself feel special again, to remind yourself that no matter how confused you may feel inside and no matter how thin you may be stretched, this will all fade into the background someday.   Sometimes you need to take a step back and put the moment into perspective. Stress will ease, the questions you hold will become less difficult.   Sometimes you need to remind yourself to value the little things. Sometimes you need to count your blessings, remember the simple things in life that make you happy and help you feel valuable and human.   Today, for me, this looks like wearing my softest sweater, painting my nails a color I really like, and buying two songs that have slipped amongst my favorites. Little things, but things nonetheless that will have me singing happily.   My Father loves me, and my true joy is found in Him. Sometimes I need to run back to my Father’s embrace and thank Him unceasingly, and that above all is what I


I’ve been writing a lot of songs lately. I feel like we all go through different places in our lives where we wrestle with things, and we try to find definition and conclusion and closure. We try to pin down the pieces and make them fall into line and make sense, but often the things that go on in life do not add up. Often how we feel does not add up.   And that’s ok.   For me, writing songs is a way to communicate, but it’s also a way to think through what I’m feeling. It’s my therapy, it’s my sounding board. I will write a line and then think, “No, that isn’t right- I don’t really feel that way,” or “I shouldn’t say that, that’s not what my attitude towards this should be.”   Jamie T. of  To Write Love On Her Arms once said, “I wish I could write her a song, because songs don’t wait to resolve.” I feel like this is true to me- I find resolution through songs, as though in some way I am able to package up how I feel and what I think and present in it verses and a chorus.